Junkbots session 1: Move the robot

What is the Junkbots project
The Junkbots project has been running for a number of years as an initiative to bring sustainability, computing and engineering together by building bots out of junk; details of the project can be found at. https://junkbots.blogspot.com/ . Junkbots is an extension of the Research into the teaching problem-solving going on at the University of Northampton please feel to visit https://computingnorthampton.blogspot.com/2019/01/problem-solving-research-outputs-and.html for more details.
What are we going to do?
Play with a Scratch robot on the screen! Guess what the routine does. Run the routine see if it does as we guessed. Consider what it did and if it is different to what we thought it was going to do. Change the routine a little bit to do another task.
Activity 1: What blocks are we using?
This means when the green flag is pressed do whatever follows.
This means place our robot (go to block) to point on the screen roughly in the centre of the screen.
Do you want a challenge: What do think would happen if instead 0 and 0 in the white spaces in the go to block, we put in 50 and 50? Have a guess.
This means stop the scratch program for 1 second and the carry on.
We can use this block to move the robot 50 steps on the screen in the
direction it is facing.
Do you want a challenge: How do you think we could get the robot to move 100 steps? Have a guess..
We can use this block to turn the robot to the right 45 degrees.
Do you want a challenge: How do you think we could get the robot to move 90 degrees to the right? Have a guess.
Activity 2: Have a go at guessing what it is going to do?
Using what you have learnt in Activity 1.
Let us look at this block of programming.
What do you think it is going to do? If you have someone helping you tell them what you think it does.
If you don’t get it exactly right, it is more important to have a guess.
Activity 3: Try it for yourself
Now go to the weblink: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/3 84342734 You should see something that looks like figure 1 Click on the box at the top of the screen that says see inside. You should a screen similar to Figure 2 Now press the green flag it should now perform a little dance.
Does the robot work the way you thought it would from Activity 2? If it did move the way you thought– great! If it didn’t move the way thought still good. What was different?

Save your work from Activity 3 by going to the top of the screen: find file, click on it and the click on Save to your computer. Then press the save button. Now change the code so that the robot moves in a square. Hint: We need to move in a straight line and then turn 90 degrees several times.

Does the robot work the way you thought it would? If it did move the way you thought– great! Can you make it move in a rectangle where two sides are longer than the other two? If it didn’t move the way thought still good. What was different?
Activity 5: Try it for yourself
Save your work from Activity 4. Now produce a dance routine for the robot. It must include moving forward and at least three turns.

You could also try adding in Making it move backwards (negative number in the move block) Turning left