The students had to build a 'junkbot' from initially a motor and propeller and any 'junk' that was around. There were three tasks.
1. The junkbot had to get a can across a line.
2. Similar to the previous activity but this time as well as the can there was other junk (bottle tops and some small steel bits) away from the can. These also had to be transferred across the line.
3. To make the junkbots steerable.
It was never the intention that all the tasks were achieved in the time, but the student's tried out their own groups ideas with little input from the tutors.
Some very innovative results were produced.
Thank you to Mr Nigel Barratt for inviting me back and supporting the activities.
Teacher Mr Barrett said: ‘The students just got on with it and devised the models themselves. They experimented all the way through. It was three and a half lessons of having a go, coming across problems and then solving them themselves. If they got stuck we gave them a little push in the right direction. They have all learned a great deal and they were all fully engaged with the project, giving it their maximum effort.’ (Freeman, 2011)
For more details and comments made from the school follow this link.
Details can be found at the project site including some example exercises.
For further details please contact: or +44 1604 893028
Freeman C (2011) "Junkbots Project 2011" [online] URL: accessed on: 7th April 2011.
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