Monday, 30 December 2013

Robot Day! videos

Videos and comments from the Robot Day at Hartwell Primary School can now be found at the following link
 Robot Day! | Class4 2013

Quote from the page "The whole class had a fantistic time and really enjoyed the challenge."

   For more information about the activities go to

Friday, 27 December 2013

Robot Obstacle Course game

Not exactly a Junkbot but definitely related is the Robot Obstacle Course game developed by Oregon Museum of Science and Industry. The game takes the player through exercises in Boolean Logic to allow the robot to collect keys and jump over traps to open the door. This a good and fun introduction to logic.

To play the game go to:

If you would like to know more about the Junkbots project contact

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Visit to Hartwell, Uk

On 19th December 2013 the  junkbot project visited - Class 4 of Hartwell Primary School, Northamptonshire, UK.

The session was split into two.

The first part was building a drawing junkbot  from cans, small electric motors, broken propellers, wires, pencils, pens, and drinks cans. An example from a previous group is shown to the left.

More details on the activities/session plans can be found at:

Robonova in action
The second part two Robonova robots (an image to the left taken from an earlier event) and a Sphero were  were brought in. Two groups use the Robvova (robots to create a dance routine, which they wrote down the dance routine to be repeated later. They then had a 'dance off'. The third group used the Sphero ( and they both programme them (using an App Sphero Macrolab on the iPad) and directly controlled it using another App (OrbBasic)on the iPad. 

If you would like to know more about the Junkbots project contact

junkbot session plans and activities

The School of Science and Technology at the University of Northampton have been working with local schools to create robots made from junk. This is an initiative by the University to introduce environmental sustainability, engineering and computing to students and has been funded by Northampton Enterprise Limited and east midlands development agency (emda). 

For more details:

This and other posters at Engage 2013 can be found at:
If you would like to know more about the Junkbots project contact

Friday, 29 November 2013

Junkbots – it is not one thing!

Junkbots – it is not one thing!:

The School of Science and Technology at the University of Northampton have been working with local schools to create robots made from junk. This is an initiative by the University to introduce environmental sustainability, engineering and computing to students and has been funded by Northampton Enterprise Limited and east midlands development agency (emda). 

For more details on the junkbots project go to: 

This and other posters at Engage 2013 can be found at:

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Monday, 4 November 2013

Coderdojo at The Buckingham School - Northampton University – Visits Buckingham School

Coderdojo at The Buckingham School - Northampton University – Visits Buckingham School:
he room awaited as the man with the robots arrived.  A hushed silence, whilst eager minds listened to what Scott Turner Associate professor as Northampton University outlined the plan for the evenings activities/workshop.  Teams of students were given motors, helicopter blades/wheels/ pens and tape and challenged to problem solve.  The other half of the group split into two halves to look at the two robots – RoboNova-1 and Sphero experimenting with mini challenges, bit of robot football and speed challenge.  Thanks must go to Scott and Team for visiting.
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Thursday, 5 September 2013

How Making Robots Captivates Kids' Imaginations

Not actually part of the Junkbots project but certainly follows the same sentiment.

How Making Robots Captivates Kids' Imaginations | Edutopia:

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If you would like to know more about the Junkbots project contact

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Computing at School and Junkbots

Details of the Junkbots project and outline teaching material can now be found at Computing At School website or CAS Online | Junkbots project

Computing at School is an organisation that aims to promote the teaching of Computing at school and is a partnership of the BCS, industrial partners. For more details go to:

For more details on the project contact - Scott Turner

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Simple Bots: Wobbler

Another example of 'junkbot'-type robot: 

Simple Bots: Wobbler: "Simple Bots: Wobbler by randofo

Typically, you learn how to wobble before you learn how to walk. But in the world of bots, anything is possible! That is why a day after showing you how to walk and two after showing you how I roll, I am back to show you how to do a little wobble wobble. That's right! In almost no time, you can be out wobbling around with the best of 'em. All of the parts in this project are simple to find and even less-than-experienced bot builders should be able to make this one pretty easily. And, more experienced bot builders should be able to have some fun modding this one, as the casing leaves a lot of room for experimentation.

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Simple Bots: Skitter

Related examples of junkbot-type projects: go to for more details.

Simple Bots: Skitter: "Simple Bots: Skitter by randofo

Simple Bots: Scrub

Some related 'junkbot'-type projects: A Scrubbing robot

Simple Bots: Scrub: "Simple Bots: Scrub by randofo

 low-cost cleaning bot called Scrub Bot. 

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Sunday, 26 May 2013

Return to Lab_13

The junkbots project was carried as one of the activities at the celebration of two years of Lab_13 at Irchester Community Primary School.

Three groups spent around an hour developing the drawing junkbots (an example of what one is can be found in these image). The session basic revolves around two main activities:

- Showing that a motor can be made to vibrate and can they think of a way to use this and other materials around them (make sure there are pens/pencils around) to make a drinks can move.

- Next stage is can they modify their robot to make it draw.

Details and session plans can be found at: 

If you would like to know more about the Junkbots project contact

Saturday, 20 April 2013

HEA STEM2013 Conference: Junkbots Poster and Prezi

ABSTRACT: The School of Science and Technology at the University of Northampton have been working with local schools to create robots made from junk and also to use robots programmed by the students to perform simple rubbish clearing exercises. This is an initiative by the University to introduce environmental sustainability, engineering and computing to students in schools.

If you would like to know more about the Junkbots project contact

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Return to South End

During National Science and Engineering Week 2013, as part of the activities provided by the University of Northampton, the Junkbots project returned as part of programme of activities to South End Primary School, Rushden, northamptonshire, UK. 

National Science and Engineering Week is annual event celebrating science and engineering activities (

Last year during the same week Junkbots also formed part of the activities (see

This time we worked with two classes - a year 2 and a year 5 class; building the drawing junkbot. Examples of previous drawing junkbots are shown above. Approximately 50 children took part across the two 45 minute activities.

Essentially a drawing junkbot is based around a drinks can that:
- draw patterns without anyone touching it;
-carried the battery pack or not depends on the age of the group;
-moves by shaking a can using an unbalanced motor with 'legs' make from pens.

Related links

If you would like to know more about the Junkbots project contact

Monday, 25 February 2013

Rubbish – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle into toys!

Related to the junkbots project.

Taken directly from  Rubbish – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle into toys!  Lab13 at Irchester (@Lab_13Irchester)

Waleed and Jacob searching for goodies!
Waleed and Jacob searching for goodies!
Year 5 students at Irchester have been working on a very exciting project with the Dept. of Waste Management, University of Northampton. Dr. Waleed Montasser and Louise Maxwell, and Bianca, Evie and Livia (Brazilian visiting students) work alongside our Year 5s to design, plan, resource and make different Science Takeaways all using reusable and recycled materials.
Science Takeaways will be a set of four science kits with different experiments for children to borrow for the weekend and try at home. They will collect data or test hypotheses and add to the kit if they think of some new way of using it.
However, we wanted to keep these takeaways as reusable and “green” as possible and didn’t want to spend a lot of money making them! Waleed had the great idea of using Phoenix Resource Centre in Raunds.
They collect clean usable waste (including off-cuts of material, wood, card),  surplus stocks, end of lines and unwanted goods / returns from industry and local businesses. Anything that can be re-used then gets put onto shelves for people to reuse. As you can see we did a great job of finding just the right things we needed!
Today, we have visited the site for the first time to collect and resource our projects. It was a  freezing but really cool place and John on of the trustees helped us fill our trolleys! What they are doing there is very good for the environment even the actor who plays Ron Weasly think so and have visited them!
Aimee and Livia are happy with what they have found!
Aimee and Livia are happy with what they have found!
Aimee, age 9, says “I think that this is a good place because it stops all the materials from going into landfill. It makes people reduce waste and reuse things so that we can have a nice county instead of a big smelly dump in the ground!

If you would like to know more about the Junkbots project contact