This is a two-part series on a new Junkbots project. In last part building the junkbot itself was discussed. In the this part controlling the junkbot via Crumble is discussed.
So build the junkbot as discussed in the previous blog post.
· Kinder Egg (without the Chocolate and toy)
· Crumble
· Tape (lots of)
. Sticky-tack of some form.
. Sticky-tack of some form.
· Pens
· Paper
· Scissors
· Glue and Gluegun (optional)
Disconnect the battery connection (the connections on the motor can stay as they are). Connect the USB cable to the Crumble. To the right of the USB connect there are two connections marked + and -. Connect a Red wire to the + connection and the other end to the red wire of the battery pack. Connect a black wire to the – connection and the other end to the black wire of the battery pack.
Stage 2: Connect the Egg!
On the Crumble, on the right-side there are two motor connections connect the Motor to these connections. Don’t worry about which of the motors wires is need you swap them ar3age 6: Programming it – Making the bot moves.
The software can be found at it includes how to set it up on your own machine.
Start the Crumble software. Drag from the left the Program start, motor, and wait blocks. Now join the up start block at the top and the motor block next and the wait block last.
Your code should look like this.
Click on the stop within the motor block. It should change to forward. Now you are ready to make it move. Press the green arrow and with the battery pack on, it soud (hopefully )keeop moving.
If you put a second motor block after the wait blck with the stop inthe boSck. It su.If you put a second motor block after the wait block with the stop in the block. It such more.
- Drag a do-until block in (found in the control menu).
- Go to variable menu and add a new variable, I have used t, select the block marked let=, and drag a t into the blank space.
- Drag an increase block onto the screen and drag a t into the blank space.
Go to the operator menu and drag onto the screen an = block, go back to variables menu and drag a t into the first space on the = block and click on the second space on the block and type in 5.
Now for the challenge put all these together to copy what is shown below. Now, put the egg-bot on the paper, with the pen lids off, it should draw.
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